Overwhelming Circumstances
When a child becomes hospitalized, their world can feel uncertain and overwhelming. Powered by Nintendo®, Starlight Gaming Stations and Handheld devices exist to reduce stress and help kids cope in an unfamiliar situation. Children can play from the comfort of their hospital bed or in a playroom to socialize with a group of kids.
This video was produced for Starlight by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions.
Boosting Self Esteem
By providing opportunities for decision-making, goal setting, problem-solving and skill development, Starlight's gaming programs can help empower kids and boost their self-esteem to foster a sense of control over their hospital experience.
Happiness, Delivered
Gaming sessions provided in 2024
Gaming sessions provided since 1992
Starlight Gaming stations delivered
About Our Gaming Stations
Starlight Gaming Stations and Handhelds meet strict infection safety protocols and come pre-loaded with 25 games, all rated E10+ or below. Starlight Gaming offers streaming capabilities, parental controls and program lifetime service value through dedicated Nintendo support.
The Impact of Gaming
Playing video games provides structure, familiarity, and security during hospitalization.
Emotional Support
Video games redirect a child’s focus, resulting in reduced anxiety and improved mood.
Pain Management
Engaging with games that require user participation leads to less perception of pain at the central brain level.
Help kids cope in an unfamiliar situation.
Want more information?
Measuring Impact of Starlight Programs → Download PDF
Gaming One-Pager → Download PDF