
Spreading Joy and Emotional Support for Hospitalized Kids

Every summer, thousands of kids with serious illnesses flood the grounds of Camp Boggy Creek in Southern Florida. Enjoying camp in a safe, medically sound environment, Camp Boggy Creek helps improve every child’s emotional and mental wellbeing.  

In 2022, Camp Boggy Creek welcomed seriously ill kids and their families who were impacted by Hurricane Ian to their campgrounds. Starlight Toy Deliveries offered families and kids at Camp Boggy Creek happiness, emotional support, and joy in a time when they needed it most.

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One family, a single mom with three young children, had lost her house, belongings, and special memories due to the hurricane. With the holidays approaching, mom was concerned about not being able to provide any family traditions. But Camp Boggy Creek provided Starlight Toy Deliveries to the family and gave them hope. 

Susan Lee, Director of Outreach and Development at Camp Boggy Creek in South Florida, describes the transformative impact that Starlight Toy Deliveries gave them: 

“There was not a dry eye in the room. [Mom] was so appreciative and grateful for the kindness of others. These gifts helped the mom regain a sense of comfort, joy, and hope. They were able to move forward and create new memories together during a time that was unimaginably difficult for this family and their community.” 

Happiness from a toy, book, game, art or craft can make a tremendous difference to a seriously ill child’s well-being. Starlight programs, like Starlight Toy Deliveries, encourage positive social connections that enable children to process their experiences and express their emotions through play. 

At Starlight, we know that every child deserves happiness from a Starlight program. Our vision is to help improve every child’s mental and emotional well-being to help them thrive as they navigate a serious illness. 

That’s why Starlight works with more than 700 hospitals, medical facilities that cater to medically underserved and vulnerable populations, hospice centers and clinics across the U.S. Starlight is committed to the equitable allocation of its programs to its network of hospital partners. In 2023, 47% of the facilities receiving Starlight programs serve patients that are considered medically underserved and/or vulnerable populations (MUVP). 

Thanks to the generosity of donors, Starlight can provide these programs to seriously ill children and their families in medically underserved communities free of cost. There are hundreds of kids across the U.S. who need the happiness and emotional support from a Starlight program.  

“Words can't express the joy that your generosity provides. We see each child at our Best Party on Earth celebration light up when they receive their toy. Most importantly, the gratitude that these amazing children express is humbling to the staff and volunteers that witness it. You make a HUGE difference.” -  Susan Lee, MEd, CCLS, Director of Outreach and Development 

Spread joy to seriously ill kids in need by donating to Starlight today. 

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